older woman

Since 2006, Omaha’s Choice for Botox, Fillers, Testosterone Pellets and The OWL Diet!

Real Results. Minimal Downtime.

LaseMD lessens the appearance of benign pigmented lesions such as age spots, brown spots from sun exposure, melasma and freckles.  LaseMD also treats pre-cancerous changes in the skin called actinic keratoses.  It may be used on it’s own but we most commonly combine it with same day Morpheus radio-frequency micro-needling treatment of the face and neck.  It also works well combined with same day SkinPen micro-needling of these same areas.

LaseMD rebuilds glowing, healthy skin through effective non-ablative fractionated treatment.  The laser uses innovative design that allows the face, neck, upper chest and even the arms to be treated quickly, while still delivering the energy levels needed to deliver results.

The benefits of LaseMD are brighter skin tone, softening of fine lines, improved skin texture and brown pigment reduction.  This laser will also lessen age spots, sun spots, freckles and actinic keratoses (pre-cancerous skin changes).

During treatment you can expect to feel some heat and tingling as the laser is passed over the skin. The number of passes and procedure time will depend on the depth of treatment, lasting anywhere from 5-20 minutes. For mild treatments, the discomfort is very minimal. For more aggressive treatments, your physician may apply a numbing cream 30-45 minutes before the treatment to maximize your comfort.

You will experience some redness immediately after the treatment, which should subside by the following day, when you can apply makeup. Over the next couple of days after receiving your first treatment, you may experience some dryness and flakiness, which can be alleviated by applying our “Peptide Booster” serum several times throughout the day. As the skin heals, you may see some light sloughing of skin as it begins to reveal softer, brighter skin. Depending on the depth of treatment, healing time can last anywhere from 1-6 days, but most clients see optimal results within 2-5 days. If you receive a package of three LaseMD treatments, followed by a  maintenance routine of treating every 6 months, you will likely experience decreased healing time with subsequent treatments.

While there will be some visible redness right after the treatment, you will be able to immediately resume your normal activities.  We suggest you limit your cardio workout for a couple of days.  On the day after treatment, wear sunscreen daily, followed by make-up as desired.  You will start using our “Peptide Booster” the same day and find that it soothes any discomfort that you may have. Seven days post treatment you will add “Vitamin C&E Serum” and “Retinol Silk 100” for optimal results.

Periodic treatments are recommended to maintain a youthful glow and prevent future skin damage. Your physician will work with you to find the best treatment regimen based on the results you are trying to achieve. LaseMD makes the perfect complement to any skincare routine!


Since 2006, Omaha’s Choice for Botox, Fillers, Testosterone Pellets and The OWL Diet!

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