The Omaha Weight Loss Diet (The OWL Diet) approach focuses on a balanced, low-calorie diet around 800 calories, complemented by light exercise and the use of prescribed medications to enhance your results.
Create a Lifestyle Change
Some foods that we know are healthy may contain too many calories to allow us to lose weight (such as cheese, olive oil and almond butter). We have been influenced to eat larger portions of food both at home, work and when we eat out.
To deal with this, we need to learn new food behaviors – how to shop, cook and eat better. We instinctively know this, but we need to learn the specifics of what needs to change.
The OWL Diet teaches these food behaviors and provides a plan of healthy eating to safely lose weight, and a plan that we can follow for the rest of our life.
Embarking on a weight loss journey can begin with a simple idea. Perhaps you wish to adopt a healthier lifestyle, or you’re looking to shed some extra pounds. Maybe it's time to pivot your focus toward a nutritious diet. Whatever your motivation, the manner in which you present your approach to weight loss can significantly impact your success.
How does it work?
While on the OWL Diet you will select from a long list of approved foods.
We then show you how to put them together to form two main meals and 3 snacks per day.
Choose from a large variety of meats such as beef, chicken, turkey, white fish, salmon, shrimp, crab and scallops. You may also choose a vegan option using egg whites, tofu and beans.
Select from a huge variety of vegetables, some of which you will combine with lettuce greens to make a fulfilling salad. We even tell you how to select the right salad dressings!
For snacks you may choose items such as fruit and yogurt.
We even have a couple of “free” foods!
Our calorie reduced diet allows for bread or carbs!
We do not sell protein powders, shakes, bars or packaged foods.
Zero calorie flavored beverages
Diet pop
Caffeine containing coffee, tea and soda
An option to have up to one alcoholic beverage per day (exchanges with the bread option)
Eat protein, salad and vegetables at lunch and supper
Three snacks between meals consisting of fruit or yogurt
Choose from lean proteins such as beef, chicken, turkey, fish, shrimp or vegetarian options (beans or tofu), egg whites
Gluten free alternative to the “bread” option (popcorn or nuts), gluten free salad dressing
What is allowed on the diet?
How fast will I lose weight?
Men with a BMI of 30 or higher have lost of average of 22 pounds in the first month, and 20 pounds in the second month.
Women with a BMI of 30 or higher will lose an average of 15-20 pounds in the first month, and an average of 15 pounds per month thereafter.
“I was a little skeptical at first thinking there was no way that 800 calories would be sustainable and that I would be absolutely starving while on this diet. After a week in, I can say that this ACTUALLY works! I did not feel hungry and definitely felt like I had plenty of options for food to hit 800 calories. What's even more motivating is the scale after my first weigh-in. Highly recommend visiting with Abbey if you are considering the OWL diet!”
— Alexandra W