Spider Vein Sclerotherapy
This tried and proven technique remains the standard of care to treat these bothersome veins.
Small needles are carefully placed into the veins, and injected with Hypertonic Saline. The inside wall of the vein becomes inflamed. We want the vein to be compressed so that it disappears.
There is initial redness, followed by slight swelling, and occasional itching – followed by healing over several weeks.
This treatment is suitable during any time of the year. But, please remember to wear your leg wraps (Ace bandages) or support stockings for at least 3 days afterwards. Some people feel more comfortable having this service performed in cooler weather, and when they will not be wearing shorts or capris for a month
The discomfort is minimal, and is frequently reported as being less than they expected.
With Hypertonic Saline there may be stinging or brief cramping associated with the treatment.
When we are finished with a treatment session, the discomfort is lessened with Ace bandage dressings. Tylenol is all that is needed for the pain. While you are here, we apply Arnica Gel that reduces pain, swelling and bruising. We sell Arnica Gel for your continued use at home.
The “standard” in vein care is to state that a good outcome is 60% improvement, and that multiple visits may be needed to get to that point.
10% of patients do not respond at all, even when the injection technique is performed properly.
It is not uncommon for us to hear from our patients that after one treatment they see 50-80% resolution in the appearance of the veins!
“You will look worse before you look better”
The treated veins become bruised areas. The body then uses its natural healing properties to remove the bruised area.
Everyone heals at different rates, but in general most of the healing is completed within 1 month.
Yes. If you can, stop Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin, Aleve and Aspirin one week before the procedure, to reduce bruising. Other blood thinners to hold for 1 week are Vitamin E and Omega 3 Fish Oils.
If you have large bulging veins that are painful or causing leg swelling, speak to your primary physician about a referral to see a vascular surgeon. You may need another procedure before sclerotherapy (and it may be covered by your insurance).
Do not have sclerotherapy if you have a history of blood clots (DVT/phlebitis), are pregnant or have a major uncontrolled medical problem
30 minute appointment with 20 minutes of sclerotherapy: $350, 30 minutes of sclerotherapy: $450
Cost of Hypertonic Saline (up to 6cc) and sclerotherapy needles – $30
Topical Arnica applied in office – no charge
Home Care with topical Arnica – twice daily for 2 weeks – $14.50
Compression Dressing – $10/dressing